Created for GMTK jam summer 2023! WASD to move, ESC to view inventory, E/Click on objects/characters to interact. 

<-- this is a crafting bench. stand next to it and press 'e' to open the crafting menu, for example.


Programming (Unity) 

Aidan Bacon, Luca Stubbe, Cyra Witten

 Game/Level Design

Aidan Bacon, Luca Stubbe, Cyra Witten, Abel Goy

 Pixel Art/Animations 

Jacob Penland, Aidan Bacon, Daphne Cheng, Abel Goy, Cyra Witten

Menu Design/UI Implementation 

Aidan Bacon, Daphne Cheng

 Music / SFX

Ben Daly : In-Game Music and Sound Effects

Hamburger : Title Theme


Download 22 MB


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I love the music and am impressed with the art, especially for 2 days! Also, very strange but clever concept for the game! There were a lot of glitches though, I ended up duplicating a wand by exiting the crafting bench while hovering over the item, and also the text of Mr Tall Man is the same as the background, so I couldn't see the text and ended up being confused with the ending :< Still, good game!

Great music! Fun vibes.

(1 edit)

idk what im doing

5 stars